Sunday, May 31, 2009

31 may 09 (2)

more green stencil in the wetland. the stencil is created out of a piece of green pastel paper- which in my mind is 'too' green. but the reality of green takes on another meaning when i go from what i think bright green is (represented by mass produced art materials) to the fresh, new, spring green of the mountain wetland. no other understanding of green like it!

on another note, the tulip at the top is another procedural piece (like those of last summer, see older posts)....punched out poem lines by william blake. placed punched words into tulip. only remaining word IS. the words i punched out were: "for everything that lives is holy. life delights in life."

Postscript......for two days after the words were placed in the tulip it rained and the flower was closed. on the third day, the petals opened and the words were gone.

31 may 09

playing in the wetland near my house. putting together a number of things that interest me and just experimenting. these are:
-scroll-like paper
-fabric design
- with all of these, i am thinking about how to put art materials into the landscape as a mark and enter into dialogue with the land.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

23 may 09 (3)

long and thin scrolls in the wetland. thinking about how to interact/create dialogue with the landscape in a quiet way.

23 may 09 (2)

23 may 09

small scroll drawings in wetland

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

one more from 3 may 2009

paper scrolls placed in sandstone, kane creek, ut.

more from 3 may 2008

more temporary marks in the desert landscape. at top, paper scrolls rolled and placed in sandstone holes. was thinking about writing and leaving messages for the land but didn't want to leave paper in the desert or have others find the writings. left the scrolls overnight and retrieved in the morning.

3 may 2009

a kind of landscape calligraphy....... kane creek, utah.

the 'live' photo shows a little word poetry magnet that i happened upon on the slickrock just as it began to rain.