Monday, February 11, 2013

5 April 2012

Last spring I made the first of a series of works that were ruminations on water.  The spring was particularly dry with melting snow starting in February and most peaks having melted out by mid-May.  This was and is very concerning.  Here at high altitude we experienced an incredibly dry spring and summer.  And the drought has continued through this following winter.....Water continues to be on my mind, in many ways.

This particular piece is a paper cut-out serving as the memory of water.  A wetland that I interact with often was altered one winter to prevent flooding.  Some of the off shoot channels no longer receive water.  The water flows in a more direct route in the channel that was created.  This piece carries mourning for the lost water.  The reeds do not grow as tall in the summer, the umbels that produce flower and seeds are much less productive and the birds have altered their visiting habits to this area.

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